Welcome to the clinic
Have you exhausted all traditional or alternative methods in relation to your current health status?
If so, then Bowen therapy might be for you..
Bowen is a non-invasive, hands on therapy that involves gentle rolling movements over the muscles, usually done through light clothing.
Unlike massage it does not involve continuous touch but instead has a sequence of orchestrated moves paired with breaks to allow the body time to respond in a much more effective way.
Bowen therapy works closely with the central nervous system to recalibrate new patterns of healing and is able to address more than one thing at a time, for example lower back pain and anxiety.
“Having multiple sclerosis I spend most of my time in a wheelchair and found I was leaning to the right. I feel my back is straighter and this enables me to stand keeping my balance much better.”
Increased joint mobility
Reduction of physical, emotional and mental stress
Improved energy
Better sleep
Heightened sense of wellbeing
Welcome to the Clinic’s
Opening hours
Wednesday - 10am until 4pm
I am delighted to be treating from the wonderful Dr Sally’s establishment at Chapel Yard Organics. Find me here on Wednesday’s.
“Straight after the treatment all I can say is “WOW” I could turn my neck both ways and lift my right arm up and have movement back in my shoulder to almost what it was before the problem arose. I could have cried with happiness at the relief . ”
How much does it cost?
per session
New Client appointment include a consultation with health history and Bowen treatment - 55 mins
All follow up appointments - 55 mins
“I feel I’ve learnt so much about my body in our session, we all live busy life’s with stress, aches and pains but I can honestly say I have such a sense of calm and a relaxed mind whilst in the therapy and the day after.”
I’m a fully trained Bowen therapist who specialises in helping people to lead a more holistic and balanced lifestyle through regular Bowen treatments to enable your body to heal faster and maintain a higher state of calm and overall wellbeing.
I love being outdoors for walks with my dog Bob and being passionate about alternative therapies allows me to share with others my mission to make this modality an essential part of your self care maintenance. Catch me on instagram to find out more.